Monday, July 21, 2008

What are YOUR Mid Year Resolutions?

Hello, there! It's time for another contest!

We want to know more about your goals, and more importantly, we want to know what you are DOING to achieve them!

Are you taking action?

To enter the contest, just follow these simple rules:

1) List out all of your Mid Year Resolutions
2) List the date you want to complete each goal by (setting a deadline is IMPORTANT!)
3) Tell us what you are CURRENTLY doing or what your NEXT STEP is for completing the goal.

The top 5 people who show they are setting a lot of goals and taking massive action will receive a free download of ANY call, and ONE person will receive ALL the downloads for free (a $247 value!).

We will close the contest ENTRIES on July 31st and choose a winner on August 31st, so be sure to get started and take ACTION!

Just write your goals and action steps in the comments below, and be sure to come back often to update this blog!

See you soon!

Jeremy and Alissa Nelms


Just little Old Me! said...

Well I guess I am the first to answer this! Ok so my total list of 100 is at home but here is a small sample of my 100 goals. I wrote them on Saturday and have already completed 7 of them!!! Now some are small things that you put off but when you put them on paper suddenly you seem to be able to make them happen. Some like Dax says are BIG dreams!!

1. To loose 10lbs or 1 pant size.
2. Meet Holly Rigsby (Buying her book is how I got into all this and she is just AMAZING!)
3. Meet Sheri (She is a super inspiring wonderful lady on the FYM site!)
4. Go to KY in the fall (this is where Holly and Sheri both live and we might have a FYM conference there in the fall!!)
5. Finish off my basement.
6. Make $1000 I did not expect to make. (OH My it was like fate I have been reading about this send out cards thing you guys are always talking about but never really knew what it was. Well I turned around the other day and what do you know there was a car with a big sign that said SEND OUT on it! I called the # emediately!)
7. Meet or talk to Rocco on the phone (a super wonderful fitness guy who I met through Holly and am currently doing his program!) This one I already did it was SO neat!!
8. Clean out my basement.
9. Take my contacts out at night (I am horrible at this! Can you believe it took me 4 whole days to accomplish this?)
10. Go visit my sister (gas is high and it's hard to get to NH to see her)
11. Go visit my Gram (again gas, no time but she is the most wonderful lady in the world and may not be with us a whole lot longer.)
12. Buy a Subaru WRX

Ok so this is becoming a novel so I suppose that is it for now. OHHH but I MUST mention that # 100 is NOT a cop out but it is to...................
complete more of my 100 the first time then Dax did his first time!! (Which I think is 87? Phew I have my work cut out for me!)

I may off and on post more of these on my own blog if anyone wants to check it out.

OHHH one more is to meet someone famous. Not that I am a star struck kind of person but I wanted big goals and this seemed like one so if anyone knows anyone famous............................LOVE to hear from you!!!

Jeremy and Alissa Nelms said...

We've got our first entry! That's for jumping in, April!

Caroline Radway said...

I'm also doing The Magic Hundred - here are a few:

Get to 63kg (on my way there - on a 6 week mega mission and doing Eat Stop Eat...)
Learn to Kitesurf (course this weekend)
Learn to fish (bought a fishing rod and have caught one - but want to catch something edible...)
Live in a gorgeous house by the sea (not sure how but have booked a gorgeous house by the sea for my holiday in Oct at a bargain price)
Get a brand new pimped VW Transporter (went in to look at them today...)
Make $50k more per year (writing my ebook as we speak and building my list... needs to be much bigger though!)
Learn to forward loop (a windsurfing move - needs serious kahunas but I'm going for it!)

There's a load more and I promise I'm taking action every day - including this comment as one of my goals is to learn as much as poss from people so would love to win access to all the calls as I missed quite a few!



Jeremy and Alissa Nelms said...

Great, Caroline! I'll be very interested in hearing more from you about Eat-Stop-Eat!

Looking forward to hearing about your progress,

Jeremy Nelms

sharon said...

- to release 13kg/28lb and be in size 10 (AUS) BY eating 5 small meals per day and taking selected supplements AND exercising daily (rebounding at present). I am planning my days to include these - menu-planning family meals with my needs in mind and keeping my rebounder accessible at all times. I am considering the best method for me to log my actions and progress (I weighed and measured and took photos to mark beginning). I am continuing to research diet and exercise, as well as consulting with a personal trainer. The first 5kg I will lose by Sept 5/08 (for a friend's wedding :)).

- to gain control over the "stuff" in my house - to have a place for everything and everthing in its palce - by end Oct school holidays. Analyse, sort, cull and arrange all stuff in all rooms to suit lifestyle and function. Plan to do something ( a box, section, storage unit,) per day.

- to take control over my financial situation - to live simply and within my means (even as I aim to increase those means :)) I need to : finish financial records and do tax; update budget (analyse areas where better decisions need to be made - and research for options, including Simple Savings dot com dot au); maximise my grocery dollars by menu-planning, bulk-buying, shopping to a list, making-my-own, etc...; to make better purchasing decisions (do I *need* this?). PLUS I am spending some time each day thinking/planning/researching what may be my niche; by the end of the year I will have a website and be helping others and making money...

- to improve my family's health (less illness and more energy and vitality) BY supplying nourishing meals and being consistent with serving their supplements. I will read my resources on the raw food diet with a view to implementing a 70% raw diet. Over the next two months I will begin the transition, keeping it slow and manageable so that it is easily accepted and sustainable. I will also investigate homeopathics and essential oils as remedies for the ailments that plague us most. It will be an ongoing education, but in the next month I will learn enough to use these.

I am inspired to detail more of my goals in this fashion - it really propels me towards achieving them.

LeAnn said...

My current goals include the following:

1) Strive to eat more whole, natural foods. This would include all fruits and vegetables in their natural state. I'm currently taking advantage of local summer farm markets to keep fresh food in the house at all times. I try to include a salad with most meals.
2) I'd like to add 1000 miles to my road bike odometer this year. I'm currently at 540. I completed a charity ride for MS in June. I'm scheduled for a 62-mile ride in August. This activity is very stress relieving for me and thus serves multiple purposes.
3) Keep my blood pressure from rising any further through healthy living, not medication. I work toward 5 cardio sessions and 2 or 3 strength training sessions per week as well as healthy eating strategies. So far medication isn't necessary! :) This goal is life long and doesn't have a completion date.
4) I've always wanted to complete a longer distance walk/run event. I've registered for the Columbus Half-Marathon in October. This will give focus and purpose to my aerobic training and provides motivation for me. I have a few friends in the half-marathon with me and I don't want to be the slowest/weakest. I've committed to a training program and have followed it so far. My cross training days are bicycle training days.
5) We'll be moving our oldest child off to college this fall. My goal is to do this without being overly emotional. I want to be able to let go of her and trust her to make her own decisions from now on. Not having done this before makes it a challenge. To me, a very important challenge.
6) This year I will lose 5 to 10 pounds that have crept on in the past year or two. My exercise plans and healthy eating goals also support this goal. I'm involved in a local weight-loss challenge for social support.
7) Increase my knowledge. I'm currently reading two books on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. I'm also completing continuing education to become a Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant through the American Counsel on Exercise. This will be completed before the end of the year.

I'm sure there are more goals percolating in my mind, but this is all I can think of right now.

Just little Old Me! said...

Oh my goodness I think LeAnn wins! Having a goal that includes something people have to look up just to figure out what on earth they are talking about sure does sounds like a high goal to me!
I have a new mini goal! To find out what Neuro-Linguistic Programming is!! When?? Well I plan to google it first thing tomorrow. WOOHOO Go LeAnn GO!!!

Believe to Achieve said...

I purchased the Dax Moy Magic 100 Goal Setting program about 5 months ago but wasn’t quite ready to start it at that time (yes I was making excuses!!). On Thursday, 19th June 2008 I said OK no more procrastinating - time to begin - and I set about writing out my goals. I wrote my goals with total abandon. It didn’t matter whether or not they were realistic. Soon after that I found out about midyearresolutions and every night I am at the computer madly taking notes during the calls. The midyearresolutions teleseminar series has tied in perfectly with my getting started on the Magic 100. The calls have been awesome and just as all your callers have been saying, I too am starting to discover that the universe really does help to bring about your dreams so long as you are prepared to take some action to get the momentum going.

I hope it’s ok that some of my goals are dated before the telesminar series began but I wanted to show how much has already been achieved because I am so excited:

1. 18 Aug 2008 – achieve 15% body fat. Action: weight training 3x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri), intervals 3x a week (Tues, Thurs, Sat). Using Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulance Training for my workouts. Body fat has already dropped a couple of % and am on track to achieve this goal. Haven’t missed a workout so far and can feel and see the results.
2. From today (day 1): allow myself one rest day per week – I have a tendency to want to do insane amounts of cardio exercise so I have to discipline myself to have a rest day. Action: plan an enjoyable activity for my rest day – eg a day trip, visiting friends, going to a market to keep myself occupied. So far I have done well with this goal.
3. From today (day 1): Eat According to my food plan – 5-6 small meals per day every 3-4 hours. Action: Twice a week I prepare my meals for the next few days. It’s a no brainer to take the container out of the fridge and eat the meal. I also have a matrix on the fridge where I tick off each meal. This stops me from missing meals or overindulging. I aim for 90% compliance which allows some leeway. I am human afterall.
4. From today (day 1): Limit overeating. I have had a tendency to overeat for emotional reasons. My strategy is to have a big glass of water and review my goals whenever the urge to stuff myself comes over me. If actually am feeling hungry, then I allow myself to have an apple and review goals again. So far this has been very effective in preventing overeating.
5. From today (day 1): Eat slowly. Action: Sit down at the table to eat my meals rather than eating on the go or whilst I am doing other things. Take time to enjoy and taste the food. Doing well with this one. I’d say I am about 80% compliant which is not bad considering I used to always eat on the go or whilst doing a million other things. I still need to work on this one a little more though.
6. 25 July 2008 Date my future partner. OK this was a big one. I’m so sick of being single and meeting the wrong types. This goal was the one that really got me thinking that all the stuff we hear about the universe conspiring to help you achieve your goals really does work! After a long, long time of occasional online chats with a guy, we actually met up. This goal was written before he told me he was going to fly to my city to meet me. I had no idea if/when we would ever actually meet. We’d been chatting on and off for about a year. It seemed to be going nowhere even though I liked him a lot. I put a date to this goal, at the time thinking it was pretty ridiculous. Well… get this…. on 25th July (the very date I had written) we spent the most wonderful day together and had our first kiss that evening!!! Two days later I was looking at my goal list and realized this had happened on the actual date I had put down several weeks earlier. Amazing!!!
7. 31 July 2008 – Achieve 6-8 hours sleep every night. I am a terrible insomniac and someone put me onto a therapist who was able to help with this. A problem I have battled for over 15 years has finally been remedied. Action: take melatonin supplement before bed (my body is naturally deficient).
8. 1 August 2008 – leave my current job so that I can focus my efforts on my own business. This goal was achieved a week ago. I had no idea how to leave my current job (I felt so obligated to be there for my clients) but funnily enough, a change in our contract of employment that occurred in mid July made it quite easy for me to leave. Was this the universe again???
9. October 2008 – commence my own business. Action: complete my business plan by 31 August. Make appointments to meet with suppliers and financiers. Had a meeting with one of them this afternoon. Am making good progress with this very exciting goal.
10. 31 August 2008 – set up multiple passive income streams. I wrote this down having no idea how I would achieve this nor a good understanding of what it was all about. Amazingly, the telesminar series came along at just the right time and has given me the information I need to get started. Action: Purchased Beach Money which arrived today. Have already read half of it. Further Action: Become an affiliate to products that I use and feel good about endorsing.
11. 7 August 2008 – make income selling products on the net. Action: signed up to World Wide Brands (was really really nervous about outlaying the money for a database but I have no regrets and am on my way to achieving this goal. Have worked out what niche to go into. Next step is to set myself up properly so that my business is legal.
12. 15 August 2008 – start a weekly newsletter that will be sent to my list. Haven’t got many people for a list at this stage but it’s enough to get started. Action: Have already written several articles for the newsletter. Will send out first newsletter before 15 August.
13. 15 Seeptember 2008 – complete my ebook. Action: After listening to the teleseminars I got pumped and am in the midst of writing my book.
14. From today (day 1): Listen to one hour of personal development material a day. How was I going to do this? Well once again the teleseminar series came to my rescue. It’s a total no brainer for me and I have also purchased a couple of programs from your callers which I will listen to when the teleseminar series ends. Action: I listen to the calls no matter what. Have also put some personal development material onto my iPod so that I am not listening to music when I workout in the gym, but instead am listening to material that I can learn from. Would really love to win this prize so that I can have all the teleseminar calls on my iPod to listen to over and over!!! (hint hint!).
15. From today: Learn one new word a week. Action: subscribed to a word of the day email. Make the effort to use that word in conversation so that it is remembered.
16. From today: Start studying and learning from successful people. Action: yet again the teleseminar series has made this easy!
17. 22 June 2008 – express verbal and physical love to family members. Give them a hug and tell them what they mean to me. Action: Just do it. Achieved.
18. 31 August 2008 - Complete business plan. Action: do one minimum of one sentence on the plan each day. Of course once I do a sentence, I can never stop without doing more. It’s coming along nicely!
19. 21 August 2008 – Travel interstate to meet up with my new man! Action: Go online and book the ticket. No procrastinating just do it.
20. 31 December 2008 – Future partner to propose to me. This is like my ultimate goal. Have been hunting for “mr right” for a good 10 years. I do believe I have found him so this is in progress. Action: be a really great girlfriend to my new guy. This means continuing to develop myself as a person so that I am in control of my state and emotion regardless of what happens. Not looking to him to make me happy but instead to realize that I am in control of my own happiness at any time and I have total control over my emotional state. I am in charge of my sense of happiness. Am learning a lot about this from Anthony Robbins which also ties into my personal development goals. Anthony Robbins is a great teacher of NLP and also neuro associative conditioning.
21. 1st August 2008: my connection with my partner grows day by day. We are excited about spending more time together and communicate daily. Our relationship is enhancing both of our lives. Action: one form of contact per day – email, text, online chat or phone call.
22. 20 August 2008: catch up with friends (names were stated) that I haven’t seen in a while. Action: get on the phone and organize a get together.
23. 31 December: Passive income stream of $1800 a month and growing. Action: Get website going. Write some articles. Film a video for utube and for the website. Have purchased a cheap camera so I can film some clips
24. 31 December 2008 – use some of the income from my passive stream to support underprivileged people. It has been a dream of mine to help endangered species so that is another area I want to get involved in. Action: Choose a suitable organization to make donations to.
25. 31 August – Have a year round “beach ready body”. Keep myself in shape all year round so that I never need to feel embarrassed about my outer appearance. Action: weights and interval training and eating plenty of healthy, unprocessed food. On track for this goal.
26. Keep taking action on my other 90 or so goals!!! I can list more but I don’t want to hog all the space!!!

Good luck to you all and I wish you the very best of success in all your pursuits and dreams.

Jeremy and Alissa Nelms said...

Great job, everyone! It's the last day to enter, but then we have another month to see some RESULTS.

Be sure to take ACTION and WIN!

Take care,

Jeremy and Alissa Nelms

Eye on the prize said...
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Eye on the prize said...

DOH! I forgot to put in the actions that I have or will take

1. To loose 5 lbs, reduce my body fat % and tighten up my loose skin (by October 6, 2008...joined the FYM Summer Transformation Challenge)
2. To get my friends out to church while I am on vacation (by August 3rd, 2008...Ask and ask again. Going to send an email to my friend and confirm plans for the weekend)
3. To finish a study on compassion with my husband (by October 17, 2008.....start studying it out myself and share what I have learned with my husband)
4. To have repairs and fixes done around the condo and ready for sale/renting (by October 1, 2008.....made a list of what needs to get done and have started packing and purging to get stuff out of the way to help the fixes go smoother)
5. To be moved out of this condo and into a detached home of our own with 3 or more bedrooms, garage, and backyard with room enough for the boys to run around and to garden (by November 2008.....started packing and purging and have been looking at what homes are available in the price range we have established. Going to sit down with my husband to fine tune the details and have us on the same page and consult a realtor to assist in the search).
6. To be speaking full sentences in French and engage in a conversation where I can understand in French and answer back in French over 50% of the time (by November 2008.....have started speaking French with my children and they are understanding and stand in on French conversations and listen to understand what they are saying)
7. Talk with April (and other FYMs) on the phone (by September 2008......get April's phone number (ask her for it) some more phone numbers and set up some dates)
8. To have my learners license for driving (by September 2008....I started studying and doing practice tests. I want to make sure I have the money ready and available to pay for it when I am ready)
9. To have my son (and maybe myself too) modeling (by November 2008....started sending out photos and making contact with agencies I have come across. Hoping for a referral or scouting (that doesn't cost money), and making sure that we look our best any public place we go)
10. Establish a way to earn $20K a year through my talents (by December 2008......I am an artist and would like to make prints of my paintings. (I have other talents, but would need help marketing and using those skills). I looked into the cost of doing it and I will need to establish funding to get going)
11. Meet in person and encourage or inspire someone who is media or famous. (I missed an opportunity one time and I plan on not letting that happen again)

Thanks for asking.


P.S. BTW, my husband's name is Jeremy hehe

Unknown said...

1) List out all of your Mid Year Resolutions
2) List the date you want to complete each goal by (setting a deadline is IMPORTANT!)
3) Tell us what you are CURRENTLY doing or what your NEXT STEP is for completing the goal.

Ok guys, here we go.

1. Lose 50 lbs by December 5, 2008. I have been eating healthier, watching what I eat, cut out all sodas, juices, coffee, etc. and ramped up my intake of water. I walk 2 miles in 45 minutes 5 days a week first thing in the morning. I strength train/weight train Mon, Wed, and Fri. Sat and Sun are active rest days, ie. roller skate, dance, football, soccer, etc. I've lost 30 lbs in 3 months so far. Next step is to add a little more cardio and shorten my 2 miles from 45 min to 30 min. Eliminate as much stress out of my life as possible.

2. Get back into my bellydancing and not only perform a dance for my daughter for her birthday but try out for a show. Deadline for birthday is Nov. 18, 2008 and show is in Sept 2008. Wish me luck. I have already started my practicing and classes. I practice every night and classes on Sat and Sun. Next step is to actually book the flight for CA and sign up/go for the tryouts on Aug. 18.

3. Have multiple streams of income. Deadline is by November 1, 2008. I have started a couple of internet businesses. I have done some advertising and actually started getting the businesses off the ground. Next step is to check out a couple of other leads which I actually came across on the mid year resolutions calls.

4. Better my relationship. Either stay with my boyfriend or dump him. August 8, 2008. Set a date with him to have a long talk with him to make sure we are on the same wave length and set things straight. Next step is to clarify with him in my talks no more verbal abuse and to actually walk out without thinking of his feelings over mine.

Unknown said...

Here goes... My mid year resolutions
1) Release 15 more lbs- I've started a workout program that consists of Resistance training 3x's per week and interval training 2x's per week.
2) Improve eating habits for not only myself but for my family. I've started planning my meals a week in advance and have removed the junk food from the house.
2) Read to my kids everyday
3) Build my home based business by partnering with 2 people per month
4) Move to fountain hills by August
5) Learn to swim. I want to enter a triathalon and swimming is an important part! I joined a triathalon club and have learned so much already. I just need to get the breathing down. If anyone has any suggestions let me know!
6) Continue to read motivational quotes everyday.
7) Smile more
8) Go to Disneyland... we have five kids... it gets a little hard when it comes to planning vacation
9) Meet Valerie waters. Love the valslide... helped me lose my first 20lbs and improve my core stability
10)Take control of my financial situation
11)Become certified in massaging cancer patients
12)Give back to the community
13)Gain more knowledge in human Anatomy and kinesiology
There's more but I would end up with a novel... so we shall start off with these....

Nicola Sheldrick said...

here goes:

1-month goals:

1) finish top 10 in the current TT Transformation challenge
2) restart daily Yoga and meditation practise
3) daily goal setting and visulisation
4) start a blog and become an affiliate
5) realise my product idea and release it on my blog

6-month goals:

1) rehab my shoulder to full functional and strength capabilities
2) 20% bf
3) join next TT Transformation contest bf with goal of 15%
4) workout with the TRX 4X a week
run 3-5X a week with goal of running the Berlin marathon Sept '09
5) score in the top 10% in my Master degree studies

1-year goals
1) earn an additonal 500 Euros per month
2) find my soul-mate
3) maintain 15-18 % bf all year round
4) finish marathon under 5 h
5) do part of my research in Australia
6) continue to educate, learn, set goals, healthy living, meditation and yoga for the rest of my life